Shortlist of applicants in the DOST-PCIEERD 4th Young Innovators Program

Shortlist of applicants in the DOST-PCIEERD 4th Young Innovators Program

Two students from the College of Engineering Education were selected for this year's 4th Young Innovators Program of the Department of Science and Technology- Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCIEERD). Set to undergo the program are Steph Kier Ponteras and Ivanbert Damasco, who are both enrolled in the chemical engineering program. They are mentored by Dr. Chosel P. Lawagon, a DOST-PCIEERD Balik Scientist Program recipient. There were 16 shortlisted participants from 92 research proposals submitted by students from different academic institutions in the country. Kudos College of Engineering!